Token Vaults


El contrato Token Vault permite a los usuarios depositar y retirar tokens. Utiliza el estándar de token cw20 y mantiene un mapeo de los saldos de los usuarios.

El contrato de Vault se implementa con una dirección de token cw20 específica, que se pasa como parámetro al constructor. Proporciona las siguientes funcionalidades:

deposit: permite a los usuarios depositar tokens en la bóveda. La cantidad de acciones que se acuñarán para el usuario se calcula en función de la cantidad depositada y el saldo de tokens existente de la bóveda.

withdraw: permite a los usuarios retirar tokens de la bóveda. La cantidad de tokens que se retirarán se calcula en función de la cantidad de acciones que el usuario desea quemar y el saldo actual de tokens de la bóveda.


Esta función permite a los usuarios depositar tokens en la bóveda:

pub fn execute_deposit(
        deps: DepsMut,
        env: Env,
        info: MessageInfo,
        amount: Uint128,
    ) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
        let token_info=TOKEN_INFO.load(;
        let mut total_supply=TOTAL_SUPPLY.load(;
        let mut shares=Uint128::zero();
        let mut balance=BALANCE_OF.load(, info.sender.clone()).unwrap_or(Uint128::zero());
        let balance_of=get_token_balance_of(&deps, info.sender.clone(), token_info.token_address.clone())?;
        if total_supply.is_zero() {
        else {
        // Giving allowance to this contract
        give_allowance(env.clone(), info.clone(), amount, token_info.token_address.clone())?;
        total_supply+=shares;, &total_supply)?;
        balance+=shares;, info.sender.clone(), &balance)?;
        let transfer_from_msg=cw20::Cw20ExecuteMsg::TransferFrom { owner: info.sender.to_string(), recipient: env.contract.address.to_string(), amount };
        let msg=CosmosMsg::Wasm(cosmwasm_std::WasmMsg::Execute { contract_addr: token_info.token_address.to_string(), msg: to_binary(&transfer_from_msg)?, funds: info.funds });
        Ok(Response::new().add_attribute("action", "deposit").add_message(msg))


Esta función permite a los usuarios retirar tokens de la bóveda:

 pub fn execute_withdraw(
        deps: DepsMut,
        _env: Env,
        info: MessageInfo,
        shares: Uint128,
    ) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
        let token_info=TOKEN_INFO.load(;
        let mut total_supply=TOTAL_SUPPLY.load(;
        let mut balance=BALANCE_OF.load(, info.sender.clone()).unwrap_or(Uint128::zero());
        let balance_of=get_token_balance_of(&deps, info.sender.clone(), token_info.token_address.clone())?;
        let amount=shares.checked_mul(balance_of).map_err(StdError::overflow)?.checked_div(total_supply).map_err(StdError::divide_by_zero)?;
        total_supply-=shares;, &total_supply)?;
        balance-=shares;, info.sender.clone(), &balance)?;
        let transfer_msg=cw20::Cw20ExecuteMsg::Transfer { recipient: info.sender.to_string(), amount};
        let msg=CosmosMsg::Wasm(cosmwasm_std::WasmMsg::Execute { contract_addr: token_info.token_address.to_string(), msg: to_binary(&transfer_msg)?, funds: info.funds });
        Ok(Response::new().add_attribute("action", "withdraw").add_message(msg))


Para crear una bóveda de tokens con CosmWasm, puede crear los siguientes archivos:

pub mod contract;
mod error;
pub mod msg;
pub mod state;
pub use crate::error::ContractError;

#[cfg(not(feature = "library"))]
use cosmwasm_std::entry_point;
use cosmwasm_std::{
    to_binary, Deps, DepsMut, Env, MessageInfo, QueryResponse, Response, StdError, Addr, Uint128,
use cw2::set_contract_version;
use crate::error::ContractError;
use crate::msg::{ExecuteMsg, InstantiateMsg, QueryMsg};
use crate::state::*;
// version info for migration info
const CONTRACT_NAME: &str = "";
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn instantiate(
    /* Deps allows to access:
    1. Read/Write Storage Access
    2. General Blockchain APIs
    3. The Querier to the blototal_supplyckchain (raw data queries) */
    deps: DepsMut,
    /* env gives access to global variables which represent environment information.
    For exaample:
    - Block Time/Height
    - contract address
    - Transaction Info */
    _env: Env,
    /* Message Info gives access to information used for authorization.
    1. Funds sent with the message.
    2. The message sender (signer). */
    _info: MessageInfo,
    msg: InstantiateMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
    /* Instantiating the state that will be stored to the blockchain */
   let total_supply=Uint128::zero();
   let token_info=TokenInfo{ token_denom: msg.token_symbol, token_address: msg.token_contract_address };
    // Save the stete in which creates a storage for contract data on the blockchain., &total_supply)?;, &token_info)?;
    set_contract_version(, CONTRACT_NAME, CONTRACT_VERSION).unwrap();
        .add_attribute("method", "instantiate")
        .add_attribute("total_supply", total_supply))
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn execute(
    deps: DepsMut,
    env: Env,
    info: MessageInfo,
    msg: ExecuteMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
    match msg {ExecuteMsg::Deposit{amount}=>execute::execute_deposit(deps,env,info,amount),
             ExecuteMsg::Withdraw { shares } => execute::execute_withdraw(deps,env,info,shares), }
pub mod execute {
    use cosmwasm_std::{CosmosMsg, WasmQuery};
    use super::*;
    pub fn execute_deposit(
        deps: DepsMut,
        env: Env,
        info: MessageInfo,
        amount: Uint128,
    ) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
        let token_info=TOKEN_INFO.load(;
        let mut total_supply=TOTAL_SUPPLY.load(;
        let mut shares=Uint128::zero();
        let mut balance=BALANCE_OF.load(, info.sender.clone()).unwrap_or(Uint128::zero());
        let balance_of=get_token_balance_of(&deps, info.sender.clone(), token_info.token_address.clone())?;
        if total_supply.is_zero() {
        else {
        give_allowance(env.clone(), info.clone(), amount, token_info.token_address.clone())?;
        total_supply+=shares;, &total_supply)?;
        balance+=shares;, info.sender.clone(), &balance)?;
        let transfer_from_msg=cw20::Cw20ExecuteMsg::TransferFrom { owner: info.sender.to_string(), recipient: env.contract.address.to_string(), amount };
        let msg=CosmosMsg::Wasm(cosmwasm_std::WasmMsg::Execute { contract_addr: token_info.token_address.to_string(), msg: to_binary(&transfer_from_msg)?, funds: info.funds });
        Ok(Response::new().add_attribute("action", "deposit").add_message(msg))
    pub fn execute_withdraw(
        deps: DepsMut,
        _env: Env,
        info: MessageInfo,
        shares: Uint128,
    ) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
        let token_info=TOKEN_INFO.load(;
        let mut total_supply=TOTAL_SUPPLY.load(;
        let mut balance=BALANCE_OF.load(, info.sender.clone()).unwrap_or(Uint128::zero());
        let balance_of=get_token_balance_of(&deps, info.sender.clone(), token_info.token_address.clone())?;
        let amount=shares.checked_mul(balance_of).map_err(StdError::overflow)?.checked_div(total_supply).map_err(StdError::divide_by_zero)?;
        total_supply-=shares;, &total_supply)?;
        balance-=shares;, info.sender.clone(), &balance)?;
        let transfer_msg=cw20::Cw20ExecuteMsg::Transfer { recipient: info.sender.to_string(), amount};
        let msg=CosmosMsg::Wasm(cosmwasm_std::WasmMsg::Execute { contract_addr: token_info.token_address.to_string(), msg: to_binary(&transfer_msg)?, funds: info.funds });
        Ok(Response::new().add_attribute("action", "withdraw").add_message(msg))
    pub fn get_token_balance_of(
        deps: &DepsMut,
        user_address: Addr,
        cw20_contract_addr: Addr,
    ) -> Result<Uint128, ContractError> {
        let query_msg=cw20::Cw20QueryMsg::Balance { address: user_address.to_string() };
       let msg=deps.querier.query(&cosmwasm_std::QueryRequest::Wasm(WasmQuery::Smart { contract_addr: cw20_contract_addr.to_string(), msg: to_binary(&query_msg)? }))?;
    pub fn give_allowance(
        env: Env,
        info: MessageInfo,
        amount: Uint128,
        cw20_contract_addr: Addr,
    ) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
        let allowance_msg=cw20::Cw20ExecuteMsg::IncreaseAllowance { spender: env.contract.address.to_string(), amount , expires: None };
       let msg=CosmosMsg::Wasm(cosmwasm_std::WasmMsg::Execute { contract_addr: cw20_contract_addr.to_string(), msg: to_binary(&allowance_msg)?, funds: info.funds });
        Ok(Response::new().add_attribute("action", "give_Allowance").add_message(msg))
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn query(deps: Deps, _env: Env, msg: QueryMsg) -> Result<QueryResponse, StdError> {
    match msg {QueryMsg::GetTotalSupply{}=>query::get_total_supply(deps),
    QueryMsg::GetBalanceOf { address } => query::get_balance_of(deps,address) }
pub mod query {
    use super::*;
    pub fn get_total_supply(deps: Deps) -> Result<QueryResponse, StdError> {
        let total_supply = TOTAL_SUPPLY.load(;
    pub fn get_balance_of(deps: Deps,addr: Addr) -> Result<QueryResponse, StdError> {
        let balance_of = BALANCE_OF.load(,addr)?;
mod tests {
    use cosmwasm_std::{testing::{mock_dependencies, mock_env, mock_info}, coins, Uint128, Addr, StdError};
    use crate::{msg::{InstantiateMsg, ExecuteMsg}, contract::{instantiate,execute,}, ContractError};
fn test_instantiate() {
    let mut deps = mock_dependencies();
    let msg = InstantiateMsg { token_symbol: "ABC".to_string(), token_contract_address: Addr::unchecked("abcdef") };
    let info = mock_info("creator", &coins(1000, "earth"));
    // we can just call .unwrap() to assert this was a success
    let res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), info, msg);
       // Assert the response contains the expected attributes
       let response = res.unwrap();
       assert_eq!(response.attributes.len(), 2);
       assert_eq!(response.attributes[0].key, "method");
       assert_eq!(response.attributes[0].value, "instantiate");
       assert_eq!(response.attributes[1].key, "total_supply");
       assert_eq!(response.attributes[1].value, Uint128::zero().to_string());
fn test_execute_receive() {
    let mut deps = mock_dependencies();
    let info = mock_info("sender", &[]);
    let msg = InstantiateMsg { token_symbol: "ABC".to_string(), token_contract_address: Addr::unchecked("abcdef") };
    // we can just call .unwrap() to assert this was a success
    let res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), info.clone(), msg);
    // Assert the response contains the expected attributes
    let response = res.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(response.attributes.len(), 2);
    assert_eq!(response.attributes[0].key, "method");
    assert_eq!(response.attributes[0].value, "instantiate");
    assert_eq!(response.attributes[1].key, "total_supply");
    assert_eq!(response.attributes[1].value, Uint128::zero().to_string());
    let msg=ExecuteMsg::Deposit { amount: Uint128::new(10) };
    let err=execute(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), info, msg).unwrap_err();
       ContractError::Std(StdError::GenericErr {msg: "Querier system error: No such contract: abcdef".to_string()}));
fn test_execute_withdraw() {
    let mut deps = mock_dependencies();
    let info = mock_info("sender", &[]);
    let msg = InstantiateMsg { token_symbol: "ABC".to_string(), token_contract_address: Addr::unchecked("abcdef") };
    // we can just call .unwrap() to assert this was a success
    let res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), info.clone(), msg);
    // Assert the response contains the expected attributes
    let response = res.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(response.attributes.len(), 2);
    assert_eq!(response.attributes[0].key, "method");
    assert_eq!(response.attributes[0].value, "instantiate");
    assert_eq!(response.attributes[1].key, "total_supply");
    assert_eq!(response.attributes[1].value, Uint128::zero().to_string());
    let msg=ExecuteMsg::Withdraw { shares: Uint128::new(10) };
    let err=execute(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), info, msg).unwrap_err();
       ContractError::Std(StdError::GenericErr {msg: "Querier system error: No such contract: abcdef".to_string()}));

pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    Deposit {
        amount : Uint128
    Withdraw {
        shares: Uint128
////// Query
pub enum QueryMsg {
    GetTotalSupply {},
    GetBalanceOf {
        address: Addr

use cosmwasm_std::StdError;
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Error, Debug,PartialEq)]
pub enum ContractError {
    Std(#[from] StdError),
    Unauthorized {},
    #[error("Address not whitelisted")]
    NotWhitelisted {},
    #[error("To Do Error")]
    ToDo {},

/use cosmwasm_schema::cw_serde;
use cosmwasm_std::{Addr, Uint128};
use cw_storage_plus::{Item, Map};
// Total Supply
pub const TOTAL_SUPPLY: Item<Uint128> = Item::new("total_supply");
// Balance of
pub const BALANCE_OF: Map<Addr,Uint128>=Map::new("balance_of");
pub struct  TokenInfo{
    pub token_denom: String,
    pub token_address: Addr
pub const TOKEN_INFO: Item<TokenInfo> = Item::new("token_info");

Last updated