Lee y escribe


Contrato inteligente que explica los conceptos básicos de lectura y escritura al estado en un contrato inteligente. El estado del contrato inteligente es el almacenamiento asignado para el contrato inteligente en la cadena de bloques. El estado generalmente se define en un archivo separado state.rs que importa y usa elementos y mapas y otros tipos de cw_storage_plus.


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct State {
    pub count: i32,
    pub owner: Addr,
pub const STATE: Item<State> = Item::new("state");
// Map is another type of storage that stores key-value pairs in storage.
pub const NAMES: Map<String, String> = Map::new("names");

Cada variable constante en el estado se almacena como un par clave-valor en la cadena de bloques y, por lo tanto, se puede leer o modificar.

Escribiendo al estado

// contract.rs
pub fn write(deps: DepsMut) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
        /* This execute endpoint writes a new owner to state. */
        // First we need to load the current state from the blockchain from `deps.storage` as mutable.
        let mut state = STATE.load(deps.storage)?;
        state.count = 5;
        // Save the new state with the changed variables in storage.
        STATE.save(deps.storage, &state)?;
        // Now let us add a new key-value pair to the `NAMES` map in storage. 
        NAMES.save(deps.storage, "Georges".to_string(), &"Chouchani".to_string())?;
        Ok(Response::new().add_attribute("action", "write"))
Structs can be stored as an Item in storage and key-value pairs are stored as Map.
Reading from State
Reading from Structs or constants
// contract.rs
pub fn count(deps: Deps) -> StdResult<GetCountResponse> {
        // Loads the state from storage and checks the count variable.
        let state = STATE.load(deps.storage)?;
        Ok(GetCountResponse { count: state.count })

La constante se carga desde el almacenamiento y se puede acceder directamente a las variables dentro de la estructura (si es así).

Leer mapas

Los mapas generalmente se leen proporcionando una clave y verificando si existe un valor. También se pueden iterar claves y valores.

pub fn name(deps: Deps, first_name: String) -> StdResult<GetNameResponse> {
        // Loads the NAMES Map from storage for the key `first_name` to get the `last_name`
        // `may_load` returns None if the key does not exist in the map. `load` returns an error.
        let res = NAMES.may_load(deps.storage, first_name)?;
        Ok(GetNameResponse{family_name: res.unwrap()})


Para leer y escribir en estado con CosmWasm, puede crear los siguientes archivos: lib.rs contract.rs msg.rs error.rs state.rs helpers.rs


pub mod contract;
mod error;
pub mod helpers;
pub mod msg;
pub mod state;
pub use crate::error::ContractError;


#[cfg(not(feature = "library"))]
use cosmwasm_std::entry_point;
use cosmwasm_std::{to_binary, Binary, Deps, DepsMut, Env, MessageInfo, Response, StdResult};
use cw2::set_contract_version;
use crate::error::ContractError;
use crate::msg::{ExecuteMsg, GetCountResponse, InstantiateMsg, QueryMsg};
use crate::state::{State, STATE, NAMES};
// version info for migration info
const CONTRACT_NAME: &str = "crates.io:read-write-state";
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn instantiate(
    deps: DepsMut,
    _env: Env,
    info: MessageInfo,
    msg: InstantiateMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
    let state = State {
        count: msg.count,
        owner: info.sender.clone(),
    set_contract_version(deps.storage, CONTRACT_NAME, CONTRACT_VERSION)?;
    STATE.save(deps.storage, &state)?;
        .add_attribute("method", "instantiate")
        .add_attribute("owner", info.sender)
        .add_attribute("count", msg.count.to_string()))
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn execute(
    deps: DepsMut,
    _env: Env,
    _info: MessageInfo,
    msg: ExecuteMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
    match msg {
        ExecuteMsg::Write {} => execute::write(deps),
pub mod execute {
    use super::*;
    pub fn write(deps: DepsMut) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
        /* This execute endpoint writes a new owner to state. */
        // First we need to load the current state from the blockchain from `deps.storage` as mutable.
        let mut state = STATE.load(deps.storage)?;
        state.count = 5;
        // Save the new state with the changed variables in storage.
        STATE.save(deps.storage, &state)?;
        // Now let us add a new key-value pair to the `NAMES` map in storage. 
        NAMES.save(deps.storage, "Georges".to_string(), &"Chouchani".to_string())?;
        Ok(Response::new().add_attribute("action", "write"))
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn query(deps: Deps, _env: Env, msg: QueryMsg) -> StdResult<Binary> {
    match msg {
        QueryMsg::GetCount {} => to_binary(&query::count(deps)?),
        QueryMsg::GetFamilyName {first_name} => to_binary(&query::name(deps, first_name)?),
pub mod query {
    use crate::msg::GetNameResponse;
    use super::*;
    pub fn count(deps: Deps) -> StdResult<GetCountResponse> {
        // Loads the state from storage and checks the count variable.
        let state = STATE.load(deps.storage)?;
        Ok(GetCountResponse { count: state.count })
    pub fn name(deps: Deps, first_name: String) -> StdResult<GetNameResponse> {
        // Loads the NAMES Map from storage for the key `first_name` to get the `last_name`
        // `may_load` returns None if the key does not exist in the map. `load` returns an error.
        let res = NAMES.may_load(deps.storage, first_name)?;
        Ok(GetNameResponse{family_name: res.unwrap()})
mod tests {
    use crate::msg::GetNameResponse;
    use super::*;
    use cosmwasm_std::testing::{mock_dependencies, mock_env, mock_info};
    use cosmwasm_std::{coins, from_binary};
    fn proper_initialization() {
        let mut deps = mock_dependencies();
        let msg = InstantiateMsg { count: 17 };
        let info = mock_info("creator", &coins(1000, "earth"));
        // we can just call .unwrap() to assert this was a success
        let res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), info, msg).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(0, res.messages.len());
        // it worked, let's query the state
        let res = query(deps.as_ref(), mock_env(), QueryMsg::GetCount {}).unwrap();
        let value: GetCountResponse = from_binary(&res).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(17, value.count);
    fn write() {
        let mut deps = mock_dependencies();
        let msg = InstantiateMsg { count: 17 };
        let info = mock_info("creator", &coins(2, "token"));
        let _res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), info, msg).unwrap();
        // Execute the function that changes the state of the blockchain.
        let info = mock_info("anyone", &coins(2, "token"));
        let msg = ExecuteMsg::Write {};
        let _res = execute(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), info, msg).unwrap();
        // The counter should now be 5
        let res = query(deps.as_ref(), mock_env(), QueryMsg::GetCount {}).unwrap();
        let value: GetCountResponse = from_binary(&res).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(5, value.count);
        // Last name of Georges can now be found. 
        let res = query(deps.as_ref(), mock_env(), QueryMsg::GetFamilyName { first_name: "Georges".to_string() } ).unwrap();
        let value: GetNameResponse = from_binary(&res).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(value.family_name, "Chouchani".to_string())


use cosmwasm_std::StdError;
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum ContractError {
    Std(#[from] StdError),
    Unauthorized {},
    // Add any other custom errors you like here.
    // Look at https://docs.rs/thiserror/1.0.21/thiserror/ for details.


use schemars::JsonSchema;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use cosmwasm_std::Addr;
use cw_storage_plus::{Item, Map};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct State {
    pub count: i32,
    pub owner: Addr,
pub const STATE: Item<State> = Item::new("state");
// Map is another type of storage that stores key-value pairs in storage.
pub const NAMES: Map<String, String> = Map::new("names");


/use schemars::JsonSchema;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use cosmwasm_std::{
    to_binary, Addr, CosmosMsg, CustomQuery, Querier, QuerierWrapper, StdResult, WasmMsg, WasmQuery,
use crate::msg::{ExecuteMsg, GetCountResponse, QueryMsg};
/// CwTemplateContract is a wrapper around Addr that provides a lot of helpers
/// for working with this.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct CwTemplateContract(pub Addr);
impl CwTemplateContract {
    pub fn addr(&self) -> Addr {
    pub fn call<T: Into<ExecuteMsg>>(&self, msg: T) -> StdResult<CosmosMsg> {
        let msg = to_binary(&msg.into())?;
        Ok(WasmMsg::Execute {
            contract_addr: self.addr().into(),
            funds: vec![],
    /// Get Count
    pub fn count<Q, T, CQ>(&self, querier: &Q) -> StdResult<GetCountResponse>
        Q: Querier,
        T: Into<String>,
        CQ: CustomQuery,
        let msg = QueryMsg::GetCount {};
        let query = WasmQuery::Smart {
            contract_addr: self.addr().into(),
            msg: to_binary(&msg)?,
        let res: GetCountResponse = QuerierWrapper::<CQ>::new(querier).query(&query)?;

Last updated